All these years, my abode was my dad’s apartment. Being the only child, the apartment belonged to me by default. But life changed a lot in the last five years. I’m thirty five and still single. Since my mother died eight years ago, dad was a lonely ape needing a… Read more“Ann Teases a Disabled Young Man”
Annie – Frustrated First Steps
She stepped away from the meeting and breathed a sigh of relief. Four weeks into a new job in a totally new area of work, she was starting to hold her own at these network meetings. She walked back to her car, taking in the rural English countryside around her… Read more“Annie – Frustrated First Steps”
Backdoor Man Ch. 07
“Nice to meet you. I’m Devi. That man over there in the corner is my husband, Gustavo. And that man taking orders at the counter is Rajiv, one of my cousins. I take it that you know Sherry pretty well?” Devi introduced herself properly to me once she saw us… Read more“Backdoor Man Ch. 07”
At The Movies
Sex with her was exciting, very satisfying, and also adventurous like I hadn’t known since I was a teenager. She was so responsive I couldn’t believe it, and she was also willing to try just about anything I suggested. I had told her about going to a drive-in movie with… Read more“At The Movies”
Ashley at the Library Ch. 03
She was dressed in only her shirt. The shirt didn’t hide this fact either. With every small step Ashley felt its hemline tickle the tops of her butt cheeks. She could feel its material graze over her nipples. She knew that anyone looking would probably be able to tell she… Read more“Ashley at the Library Ch. 03”
An Apartment with Benefits Ch. 13
Chapter 13 Praise at last. After breakfast I got a phone call from Mark, he was very excited about the ‘performance’, as he called it, last night. ‘You are going to need a bonus for all the money you must have spent on clothes,’ he laughed. ‘Do you fancy meeting… Read more“An Apartment with Benefits Ch. 13”
Allison’s Day Ch. 03
*Thanks to everyone who voted and gave me comments and criticism for my first story. It was fun to read your opinions. I can see that I will never please everyone as people said either there was too much of X or not nearly enough of X. Allison and Mike… Read more“Allison’s Day Ch. 03”
After Eight
Sarah had been reluctant to come to this party. She was good friends with her colleague. Even though she knew he had a bit of a crush on her she had wanted to celebrate his birthday. But she now found herself in a room full of strangers. Her thoughts had… Read more“After Eight”
Alice at the Drive-in
Alice and I were in our third apartment since we were married. This was before our daughter was born. I was working full-time and going to grad school at night on the GI Bill. Any extra money we had went into our fund for a down payment on our first… Read more“Alice at the Drive-in”
Adventures of a Mailgirl Ch. 09
Chapter 9 — Carlita Recap: Set in the world headquarters of TRG, an American researcher, manufacturer, and distributer of various technologies, the storyline centers around TRG’s use of nude, female couriers (mailgirls), and a reality television show which follows the mailgirls mostly through the use of an elaborate array of… Read more“Adventures of a Mailgirl Ch. 09”